I asked myself am I the only person who thinks this, so I decided to do a little research. I came across one article written by Tom Kuhlmann on October 3, 2007 called What Everybody Ought to Know about Using PowerPoint for e-Learning and another Called Authoring & Delivering E-learning by Using PowerPoint Files written on March 8th, 2011 by the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative that assured me a few people hold my opinion.
Let me explain how you can take one PPT presentation and repurpose into a least five different types of training. Make sure your PPT (usually 10-15 slides) has navigation at the top for mobile devices. Also do not use high resolution graphics that will slow downloading. Additionally, be aware of the font size and graphic detail when they get converted to 10 inch or smaller screen.
Here are the five different types of training from one PowerPoint:
1. Virtual training class that you deliver in a webinar format
a. Make sure you record the session, so you can put it on your LMS as a course
b. Keep the session to around 20 to 30 minutes. I wish the webinar’s I attend would permanently kill the 60 minute webinars. I digress.
c. See what questions you get during the webinar, because you might need to clarify your content.
d. Correct any information that you discovered might be incorrect or confusing.
2. Collaborative learning material that you can now post to a social business site like Jive, Yammer or SharePoint. Now you can continue discussion after the webinar.
a. Invite discussion by asking SME and others to come and comment on the content.
b. This also allows people who could not attend the webinar to learn about the topic from others through discussion.
3. On-line training for desktop or laptop
a. Take your PowerPoint and import it into an e-learning tool like Captivate, Lectora or Articulate (to name a few) and convert it to a course that can be deployed to a desktop or laptop through a LMS.
b. Add knowledge checks, games, or widgets to make it more engaging.
4. Convert to the PPT to a mobile course by using many times the same software used to develop the desktop or laptop course.
a. We have not decided what mobile authoring tool we are going to purchase. Lectora and dominKnow have released a mobile HTML5 tool and Storyline and Adobe Edge have beta version out.
b. Creating a PPT allows us to have content/courses developed, so when we decide we can import and quickly develop the courses.
5. Instructor led training for a workshop or seminar
a. Now this presentation will have games, widgets and other assets if presented after the OLT version.
1. This application is easily available on most computers whether Mac or Windows.
2. Giving a template to a SME saves time and money, because they can populate the content easily.
3. When it is time to maintain the content you can give the PPT to a SME for them update the content.
4. If you decide to change authoring tools you do not have to start completely over, since you have a proprietary source file.
a. With the cost and complexity of e-learning authoring tools you tend to not want to change software, because you have to start from scratch to develop the course.
b. You would not have to purchase so many expensive e-learning authoring licenses, since some people could just import the PPT, create the interactivity and voice.
Tell me what you think in the comment section. Do you think there other ways to use PPT with virtual training or scrap the tool?
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